Friday, September 12, 2008

Quindins de Iaia

I know... It's taking me forever to give away my recipe... I just have a really hard time translating recipes. The wait is over, I'm finally doing it.

100 grams sweetened and flaked coconut
1 cup sugar
6 yokes
2 eggs
1 T margerine

You'll need a little bit more of sugar and margerine to grease the tray.

Preheat oven 350 F.
Mix well coconut, sugar, margerine, yokes and eggs. You can use a mini muffin baking tray or a regular muffin size one. Grease using margerine first and then sprinkle sugar over it. Spoon the dough in the muffin tray.
To bake the quindim you're going to need boiled water. The water goes in a glass dish. After pouring the water in the dish, put the muffing tray in it also. You don't want to put too much water in it because it will get in the quindim mix. You need just enough to cover half of the bottom of the muffing tray (if that makes any sense).
Bake it for 30-35 min or until it's starting to get golden brown (not too brown). Let it cool (I usually put in the refrigerator).
Makes 21 mini-muffin size quindim.


Kate said...

Woah - I am way excited! I've got to try to make these ... they're so good!

The Edwards Family said...

Thanks, I love these!!!!!!!!! The only problem is, is that I will eat every single one if I make them.