Sunday, November 2, 2008

Family Fun

It was great to have my brother in law, Nate, and his wife, Julie, and kids, Nikosha, Katelyn, Kenzi and Kyler over. They live in Idaho Falls, so it's always really exciting when they stay at our house. So many kids together...

They were here for our ward Halloween Party... They never get to see each other during Halloween, so they loved dressing up and going to the party together.

1 comment:

Minha Vida said...

Oi Roberta, adorei as fotos de Halloween da suas criancas, como ja disse anteriormente, adorei que vc tem um Blog, assim posso admirar sempre que quiser seus filhos lindos que vc tem. Tb gostei que vc adicinou meu Post sobre reciclagem no seu Blog. O como eu digo, a gente deve fazer em que seja so um pouquinho para fazer a diferenca.
Boa Semana