Sunday, March 29, 2009

Field trip to the Airport

I don't think Caleb got a whole lot from this field trip... Actually, I'm pretty sure he didn't understand most of the stuff that was explained. But it seemed that he had some fun.

After having beautiful weather for most of last week, this week was a total nightmare. I not only had to go to Caleb's field trip, but I also had to go to three soccer games, two was Tatyana's and one was Caleb's. My brazilian body does not have a lot of resistance when it comes to cold. I know... I've lived her in the US for nine years and two of those years we lived in Idaho, but I usually try to stay indoors a lot when it's really cold... So this week was really hard. Hopefully the weather will change soon! We still have a lot of soccer games coming up!

1 comment:

Kristan Carter said...

I think that Brian would love to do this field trip. He is fascinated with life flight. His family lives up on Grandview hill so every-time they saw life flight coming they would jump in the car and run down there....Crazy!!