Sunday, January 24, 2010

My treasures

I think anyone with little kids can relate to this. If I get 10 minutes out of any of the talks during Sacrament Meeting, I'm pretty happy. Caleb and Alyssa are usually the ones causing chaos and making lots of noises. There is a very good reason why we sit in the back...

But today was different. Alyssa and Caleb were not feeling so good, so we decided that only Tatyana and I should go to church. It was surprising to find out that I wasn't the only one listening.

The talks in Sacrament Meeting were about "treasures in the scriptures". Tatyana turned to me, after Sister Rasmussen talked about the treasures in her life, and said: "Mom, I know what the treasures in your life are." And I said: "What?" She said: "Alyssa, Caleb and me".

I tell myself all the time that I need to be a better mother. I pray for patience and guidance... I'm so scared that my kids one day will make bad choices in their lives because of things that I say or things that I do. I try really hard every day to be a good example, but I feel like I'm failing and that I don't deserve them.

It was touching to me to see that even with all my imperfections, and all that I've done wrong, Tatyana knows that I love her, and her brother and sister, more than anything in this world. I hope that she keeps this sweet spirit with her through her life. So willing to forgive me for my meltdowns. Or maybe, by the time they are teenagers I will learn to be as mature as she is.

Yes Tatyana, you're right! You are one of my precious treasures! I love you!


Amanda and Ryan McCarty said...

That is so awesome! I miss Tatanya in my primary class. I actually got to listen to sacrament today also. Jackson was paying attention also, he heard Brother Ray talk about Nephi slaying Laban with a sword. He thought that was pretty cool! I guess we all get something different out of church.

Amanda said...

Well said. I feel exactly the same way you do. It is a great feeling when you realize your children still love you, and more importantly that they know you love them.

Fisher Family said...

Roberta, I loved your post and I can totally relate to you, I feel exactly the same way. Tatyana is sooo cute!

Julie Loftus said...

Roberta, you're such a great mom! And don't ever forget it!!