Saturday, March 13, 2010

Berimbau mais eu, Capoeira sou eu!

There is something about it... I don't know if it's the music or the movements, the flips and kicks... Watching Capoeira is one of my favorite things to do. The fact that it is a martial art and should be taken very seriously, but yet, everybody has a smile on their faces through out the whole Roda, just amazes me. It's the history, the culture, the feeling of freedom.

Twice a year we have the privilege of participating in the Capoeira Batizado. It's a very special event where the students get the chance to play Capoeira with invited teachers and students from different States. It's too much fun, and, today, we got to watch about 3 hours of it!

Tatyana changed cords one more time, and she will start having class with adults pretty soon. We're proud of her!

Here are some fun clips. There are some pretty amazing and fast kicks and, of course, Tatyana doing her solo and fighting the teachers. Enjoy!!


Semiramis said...

Que legal Roberta. Tao lindinha fazendo capoeira. Depois me fala onde a sua filha faz capoeira, acho que meu filho iria gostar :)

Jess said...

Roberta that is amazing! It was so cool to watch. And way to go Tatyana - that is so great!