Wednesday, October 7, 2009

34 must be my lucky number!

I remember when I was younger, how fun birthdays were. How excited I would get to get one year older. It meant presents and more freedom, right? At least that's what I thought. Right before I turned 30, I got really sad. I really didn't want to be 30, I wanted to stay on my twenties forever. I had just had Caleb in May, and that made me feel even older...

After that, birthdays were okay for me. Didn't plan anything, didn't expect much. And when I had finally convinced myself that birthdays are not fun anymore, unless you're 18 and under, the unexpected happened: I had the best birthday ever!!!

Roman decided to take a day off at work and let me spend a day in a spa. He scheduled the appointments himself and chose the treatments, which included a manicure, a pedicure, a facial and a body wrap. I got at the spa at 10 am and I left at 3:30 pm, with one hour for a lunch break. I don't need to say that it was the most relaxing day of my life... I also got a hot oil scalp massage while I was waiting on the body wrap. Simply wonderful.

When I got home from the spa, I found out that my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law, Breanne, came all the way from Idaho Falls to spend some time with us and to wish me a happy birthday in person. Isn't that so sweet? And that was only the second surprise of this birthday!

That same night we had a huge birthday party to go to (not mine). A Festa de Quinze Anos, also known as a Quinzenera, in Spanish. I didn't think that there was a better way to celebrate my birthday... A couple of hours dancing brazilian music, that's pretty much all I needed. It was kind of strange that almost everybody in the party knew it was my birthday and kept wishing me a happy birthday. But I just thought that my mom, who was also in the party, was telling everybody about it. Didn't think much of it.

Next day, I was pretty happy with how my birthday went. Roman still wanted to take me out to dinner that night, since he couldn't take me out the day before.

He was acting a little weird during the dinner. He was kind of in a hurry and he was really picky about the restaurants that he wanted to take me. He wouldn't even let me look at the dessert menu. His excuse was that he didn't want to leave his mom with the kids for too long. I asked why not, but he just said that she could get a little stressed with the kids. Didn't quite understand why that would be so stressful at first, and then I thought about how our kids can get pretty wild occasionally. So, after few seconds of pondering, I was okay with that too. Again, didn't think much of it.

Back at home, Roman parked right behind my truck and I told him to move it because I wanted to go to the grocery store. We came back pretty early from dinner. I get in the garage, opened the kitchen door and within five seconds this is what happened:

Everything was dark and I saw the reflection of three bottles of soda on the kitchen counter and, yet, it did not ring a bell. My first thought was that my mother-in-law must have gone to the grocery store already. It seems like I was really determined to go to the grocery store, because I couldn't think about anything else. And I don't remember if I turned the lights on or if someone else did, I heard a group of people scream SURPRISE!!!

After that I got it. They were throwing a surprise party for me. That's why a lot of people in the birthday party the night before were wishing me a happy birthday. A lot of them were in my party too! And that's why Roman was acting a little strange. And believe me, there were way too many signs that there was going to be a party, but I did not notice them at all. I just don't pay attention to details as Roman like to point out every once in a while.

Roman and I going to dinner, before my surprise birthday party.

This is my friend Tatiana that I've know for almost twenty years. She helped organize the party and made yummy food and a wonderful cake. Thanks Tati!

Tessa, a great friend and neighbor, and her cute baby boy Easton.

My dear mother that is so wonderful to me and my family.

Breanne, my sweet sister-in-law.
My brazilian friends that always make me laugh in every girls night out.

My beautiful mother-in-law. Thanks for everything!

And the most beautiful and delicious cake ever!

Thanks everybody! I hate being the center of attentions in any circumstance, but since we were all friends I guess it's okay... I'll forgive you.

Seriously, Thank you! This will be in the history of best birthdays ever, even knowing I'm 34 now!


Lindsay K. said...

Happy Birthday! That sounded like the perfect birthday. You deserve it.

The Nixons said...

Happy Birthday! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it and had a great time. The spa sounds FABULOUS!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! What a sweet hubby and friends to plan that for you! You definately deserved it! :)

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday, Roberta! You are so cute. I loved reading about your special TWO days!

Holly said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You dont look a day over 24!

Cecilia said...

I got goosebumps reading the story! It was like I was there at the party again! The party was so much fun! I had fun hanging with you and the girls and the kids had a blast playing ;D
Happy Birthday again my dear friend! BTW-You still look 18 to me! LOL

Fisher Family said...
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Fisher Family said...

Roberta, Happy B-day again! It looks like you had a fun 2 day birthday celebration! I think Roman just got the "Best Husband Award" to provide a great and relaxing day at the spa for you! You deserve at all!
P.s.: What is a body wrap?

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday! What a great husband you have. :) I am glad the day went so well for you.

Candy said...

How fun for you Berta! Wow! What a good husband you have, sounds like you had a great couple of days! Happy Birthday to you!